SEO Content Writing Services

Writing a bunch of great messages-in-a-bottle and tossing them into the sea – that’s content marketing without search engine optimization (SEO). Are you doing it without even realizing? Throwing away great content?

Without search engine optimization all your content marketing could go to waste. Even if it’s great content that can win you fans and improve your conversions. Online, as anywhere else, effort needs to be visible to be recognized. More than that, it needs to be seen by the right people.

Why Content Marketing Needs SEO

Content marketing helps you tell your story and shapes your overall marketing strategy. SEO makes sure that your website and your content get seen. When you do both, you engage your customers across channels, form a stronger brand image, and spread a more compelling message. We can compare them to a couple finishing each other’s sentences.

When content marketing and SEO writing come together, you win and your customer wins.

International SEO Content Writing – Make Your Story Global

What happens when you want to expand your business and reach people who speak a different language than your own? When you want to get your message across to an audience in another country?

While local marketing remains important for many businesses, many companies look beyond it. Not just big businesses, but any company that provides digital products or services or other goods that can be sold worldwide.

What you need then is Local SEO’s big brother – International SEO. In spite of its fancy name, International SEO’s aim is quite simple – getting your message across to a new audience. What this means is that you need to translate your message into the native language of your audience. You need to translate keywords, too.

But you can’t translate keywords word for word and expect good results. People in different countries search for the same thing using different expressions. Optimizing some keywords for one audience doesn’t necessarily mean they’re optimal for another audience.

What you need is an understanding of your audience – their search habits, the search engines they use, and their cultural values. These, in turn, will inform not only your keyword research but your on-page search engine optimization.

We can take your local story and introduce it to a foreign market. We can make it global, too.

What We Offer*:

  • Semantically relevant keywords – We do international keyword research to determine which keywords are beneficial for you.
  • Content marketing – We analyze your niche and come up with trending topics for all the content we create across channels (blog posts, articles, social media updates, press releases, etc.) to get the best results.
  • Detailed competitor analysis – We analyze your competitors to see what’s possible and what’s not and derive a strategic plan of approach.
  • SEO content writing services tailored to your needs and budget – Whether you have a micro-budget or a large one, we tailor our services accordingly to help you get noticed online.
  • SEO reporting & metrics – We create monthly reports of search engine ranking for each web page and suggest improvements.

*Please note that the minimum length for an SEO contract is 6 months.

Even though we approach each client individually, we have put together three core SEO writing packages to make it easier for you to get started. Choose the package that’s right for you and customize it according to your needs and budget.